General Questions

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- What is KHS?
KHS (Kingdom Hall Schedules) is a program used by elders and ministerial servants to create and maintain many of the schedules needed by a congregation. The use a of single program interface allows several brothers in the same congregation to exchange data with each other and provides the CBOE with an overview of the schedules to be posted.
- What languages are supported?
English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Dutch, and German.
- Will My data be safe and secure?
Yes, your data is protected using 32-bit encryption, even when you are not using KHS. And, if circumstances require you to delete all congregation data from your PC, you can simply delete the entire C:Majestic SoftwareKHS folder. You are in complete control of your data.
- Will my data be stored on any servers or in the cloud?
No, your data is stored on your local hard drive and cannot be accessed outside of KHS.
- My wife and family also use this PC. Can I enable a logon password for KHS?
Yes, click File > Password
- Can I install KHS on the computer at the Kingdom Hall?
No, our End User License Agreement (EULA) does not permit KHS to be installed on a computer at the Kingdom Hall. The program is licensed to individual users only.
- Can I install KHS on an iPad or Android tablet?
No, KHS is a Windows program and can only be installed on a PC running Windows.
- Can I install KHS on an iMac or MacBook?
Yes but you will need to install a copy of Windows under Boot Camp: or install it using Parallels:
* CrossOver or WineBottle are NOT compatible with KHS.
- Do you plan to offer a Mac version of KHS in the future?
No, there are no plans to offer a Mac version of KHS.
Registration and Licensing
- Is registration required to use KHS?
Yes, you must register KHS to continue using the program after 30 days.
- What happens after 30 days if I do not register?
You will be locked out KHS until you register but your data will be safe. If you decide not to register, you can uninstall Kingdom Hall Schedules from the Control Panel.
- How do I register KHS?
Exit and restart KHS and you will be prompted to register at startup.
- Is there a charge to register?
There is no charge to first-time users. If you registered in the past,...
and have active tech support but lost your code or it is expired:
Email us at and we will provide you with an activation code. You must include the KHS version number with your email.
and reinstalled the same version of KHS but do not have tech support:
You can use your original activation code. If you lost your code you can request a new code by qualifying for a year of tech support.
and installed a newer version of KHS but do not have tech support:
You would need to reregister KHS and qualify for a year of tech support with a donation of $25 or more.
- Can I use the same code to activate KHS on my other PC's?
Yes. You may use the code to activate KHS on any computer you own and personally use.
- Can I share my activation code?
No, the activation code is for you only. This applies even if there are several brothers in the same congregation that wish to use KHS. Each must register their own copy of KHS.
- Several brothers in the congregation wish to use KHS. Do you offer group licensing?
No, each user must register his own copy of KHS.
- Why are donations accepted?
We invest a significant amount of time supporting KHS and your donations enable us to continualy improve KHS, provide tech support, host a web site, and pay licensing fees. KHS should not be viewed as theocratic software provided by the branch. Majestic Software is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
- How do I make a donation?
When you register KHS you will be given the opportunity to make a modest donation. If you are not registering or renewing KHS but would still like to make a donation, email us to request a link to make your donation.
- Can I make a donation as a gift for another brother?
Yes, click on Help > Gift donations to make a donation for others to receive a year of tech support.
- Can I use a credit card to make a donation?
Yes, we use PayPal to process all credit card donations. Your credit card information is never stored in KHS or on our web site. PayPal handles the entire transaction so it is safe and secure.
Tech Support
- Do you provide tech support for KHS?
We provide complimentary tech support to full-time servants including regular pioneers, bethelites, remote bethelites, LDC field representatives, missionaries, special pioneers, and assembly hall servants. If you are not personally engaged in full-time service, you can qualify for a year of tech support with a donation of $25 or more and optionally renew support each year thereafter. KHS will remind users when it is time to renew support each year.
- What are the advantages of qualifying for a year of tech support?
Download updates when released
Exchange data with other registered users who have tech support
Email us for help if your database becomes damaged or you cannot access KHS.
Note: Telephone support is NOT offered
- How will I know when it is time to renew tech support?
You will be prompted to renew five days before your tech support expires.
- Can I use KHS without tech support?
Yes. KHS can still produce any schedule even if you do not have a tech support and you can activate tech support at any time in the future. Your activation code will not work with newer versions of KHS. If you install a newer version of KHS you will need to qualify for a year of tech support to receive a new code.
- Can I transfer the balance of my tech support to another brother who will be taking over for me?
No, unused tech support cannot be transferred to another brother. He must register and qualify for tech support on his own.
Krs Khs Software Development

Sharing Data

- How can I share my schedules with other users in my congregation?
Go to the Data Exchange screen to share your schedules with other users in your congregation or if you are a talk coordinator, share your data with other talk coordinators who also use KHS and also have tech support.
- Can I transfer my data to another brother in my congregation who will be taking over for me?
Yes, go to the Data Exchange screen and select Export a file
- Our congregation is splitting. How do I forward member records to the new secretary?
Go to the Data Exchange screen and select the 6th option to select a list of publishers moving to the new congregtaion.
- Can I import names and other information from an Excel spreadsheet into KHS?
No, data stored in an Excel spreadsheet is not formatted in way that KHS would know how to import it into the KHS database.
Using KHS
- Can I change the fonts, colors, or layouts of the reports?
No. Reports are not user-editable in KHS.
- Is there a copy of sent email stored somewhere in the program?
No. The program does not store copies of sent emails but there should be a copy in the Sent folder of your email program.
- I moved to a new congregation. How can I delete all of the data for the previous congregation?
Go to Settings and click Data Wipe. If you have tech support, click Help>Activation Code so you have a code to reactivate KHS before wiping the database.
- How do I schedule the circuit overseer for a public talk?
Go to the Speakers screen and add a new congregation named Circuit Overseer. You need to select a meeting time even though this is just a place-holder congregation name.
Now add the CO to the list of speakers for this congregation.
Add outline 1 to his list of talks; it also is just a place-holder.
Return to the Public Talks screen and click Find Speaker. Select the Circuit Overseer congregation and select the CO as the speaker.
Do NOT enter an outline number.
Click on the Title field and hand enter the name of his talk.
Enter the name of his concluding talk in the Notes field (renamed to Concluding talk).
When the CO and his wife move onto their next assignment simply change the names on the Speakers screen to the new CO.
- Our congregation is hosting a Foreign Language Group. Can KHS schedule meetings for the group?
No, KHS can only schedule for one congregation or group at a time. A seperate copy of KHS is needed for any group schedules.
- How can I enter field service reports while our Secretary is unavailable?
The secretary must first email a file that includes the Service Report data to the brother substituting for him. After importing the data, the substitute needs to check 'Service Reports' on the Settings > Scheduling screen.
When the secretary returns, the substitute will email the secretary the same file so he can import it into his copy of KHS and be up-to-date.
Krs Khs Software Solutions
Troubleshooting KHS
- My computer crashed. How do I reinstall the program?
Download the latest 30 day trial.
Run the setup and select Reinstall
Enter your activation code.
- Why are all reports blank when I preview them?
KHS uses the default Windows printer to render reports. Make sure you have a default printer and paper size is set to 8.5 x 11 Portrait.