The VMware Remote Console (VMRC) is a standalone console application. VMRC enables you to connect to client devices and open virtual machine consoles on remote hosts. July 28, 2021: Results of the July 27th Commission meeting have been posted.Commission ResultsJuly 27, 2021: The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) voted to amend Chapter 4 VAC 20-280-10 et seq., 'Pertaining to Speckled Trout' to establish an incidental daily catch limit of 50 pounds per Commercial Fisherman Registration Licensee or a 100 pound daily vessel limit. A recent update to ESXi in our environment added a feature, 'Open with VMRC'. This works outside the browser, and as the method of accessing the console that functions inside the browser hasn't wo.
Agency News
August 10, 2021: Effective 11:59 P.M., Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), Sunday, August 15, 2021, the Directed Virginia Offshore Summer Flounder Fishery will close. Vessels that have entered Virginia waters and secured to an offloading site prior to 11:59 P.M., EDT, Sunday, August 15, 2021, may possess and offload up to 12,500 pounds of summer flounder, minus any previous landings since June 15, 2021. If you have questions or comments, contact Jill Ramsey at (757) 247-2243. [Notice]
August 9, 2021: Captain Chris Newsome of Cobbs Creek, VA has been appointed to the Commission board by Governor Ralph Northam. Christy Everett of Norfolk, VA has also been appointed to a second term on the Commission by the Governor. Visit our board members page to learn more about our Associate Commissioners. [Board Members]
July 29, 2021: Commission Approves Shrimp Trawl Fishery
On July 27, the Virginia Marine Resources Commission approved Chapter 4 VAC 20-1390-10 et seq., 'Pertaining to Shrimp' establishing a shrimp trawl fishery with associated license, lottery, gear, season, and area regulations. This limited entry fishery will encompass the coastal waters of the state off Virginia Beach and will begin October 1. Those interested in participating in this fishery must complete and submit a license application no later than August 31st. Those who possessed a Special Experimental Trawl Permit from the Commission between 2017 through 2020, meet minimum shrimp harvest requirements, and submit an application prior to the deadline will qualify for a license. All other applicants will be placed in a lottery for remaining licenses.
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The Eastern Shore Trawl Area will remain an experimental fishery given limited information has been collected to date. A separate application is available for these permits and must be received no later than August 31st. Four permits are available for the Eastern Shore and will be selected through a separate lottery. The Eastern Shore season will begin November 1. Individuals can apply for both the Virginia Beach Shrimp Trawl License and Eastern Shore Special Experimental Trawl Permit but can only participate in one area. If selected for both areas, an individual will need to choose which area they want to work. Applications and detailed information concerning the Virginia Beach Shrimp Trawl License and the Eastern Shore Special Experimental Trawl permits are available at the links below:

Virginia Beach Shrimp Trawl License Application and Information [Virginia Beach letter & application]
Eastern Shore Special Experimental Trawl Permit Application and Information [Eastern shore letter & application]
Applications for both must be received by 5pm on August 31st. For questions: Email, Subject Header 'Shrimp'
July 28, 2021: Results of the July 27th Commission meeting have been posted. [Commission Results]
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July 27, 2021: The Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) voted to amend Chapter 4 VAC 20-280-10 et seq., 'Pertaining to Speckled Trout' to establish an incidental daily catch limit of 50 pounds per Commercial Fisherman Registration Licensee or a 100 pound daily vessel limit, whichever is most restrictive, when the Commission has announced that the directed commercial fishing quota has been reached. The regulatory amendment will go into effect September 1, 2021.

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July 21, 2021: The Commission is pleased to announce that Rachael Peabody has accepted the position of Senior Advisor for Coastal Adaptation and Ecosystem Restoration. This new position will serve as the chief science and policy advisor to the Commissioner on matters of climate change, coastal resilience, and habitat restoration and represent the Commissioner on matters related to the Chesapeake Bay Program and Virginia Watershed Implementation Plan, the Coastal Master Plan Technical Advisory Committee and the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program Coastal Policy Team. [Press Release]
July 12, 2021: Effective July 1, 2020, the Virginia Department of State Police, Uniform Crime Reporting Unit began the collection of investigatory stop data based on the creation of the Community Policing Act. Statewide data can be viewed online at the following link (look for agency name starting with 'Virginia Marine Police' to see data associated with Commission law enforcement activities): [Community Policing Data Collection]
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June 25, 2021: On June 24, 2021, National Marine Fisheries Service announced a commercial federal waters closure for the Atlantic Migratory Group Spanish Mackerel Northern Zone, to take effect 12:01 am on June 28, 2021. Beginning 12:01 am June 28, 2021, it shall be unlawful for any person to possess or land in Virginia any amount of Spanish mackerel in excess of 500 pounds from any vessel in any one day. [Notice]
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