- Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Map
- Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Pictures
- Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror
- Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Camera
- Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Park
- Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Cam

This includes flying your drone in a no-fly zone. Please respect local laws and access closures! Title Requirements: You submission title must contain the following: The location of the area in the photo. When it comes to location, the more specific the better. If you wish to not disclose the location you should at the very least name the state. Feb 19, 2021 Medium Rectangle Silver Beveled Glass Contemporary Mirror (28.75 in. W) Using a mirror to dress up a part of your Using a mirror to dress up a part of your home is a simple choice with the Rhodes rectangular wall mirror by Kate and Laurel. It is a beautiful addition to any wall and an essential element in your home decor. For mirror 3, use HjSplit to join the files back. HjSplit is also in Google Drive folder. Extract Mac OS X Yosemite Niresh Intel and AMD Images.rar file to a folder, you’ll get a list of these files. In VirtualBox, create a new machine with following settings. Yosemite Zone 10.10 1 Dmg Os X Mountain Lion Dmg File Download How To Do Dmg In M+ Keys Eso Spell Dmg Or Magica Recovery Mirror For Android Tv Dmg Create Iso From Dmg Windows 10 How To View Dmg Files Mirror For Lg Tv 2.1.6 Tnt Dmg Repair Dmg File Not Recognized How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 100. 7 Download OS X EL Capitan. OS X El Capitan (version 10.11) is the twelfth major release of OS X (now named macOS), Apple Inc.’s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. It is the successor to OS X Yosemite and focuses mainly on performance, stability, and security. Following the Northern California landmark-based naming.
Article by Don Chaisson, Yosemite Webmaster (and contest judge)
Simply said, the 2021 Yosemite Region Photo Contest was a resounding success — in so many ways! Firstly, it gave us something to “focus” on (sorry for the pun) while the “stay-at-home” orders limited just about any other activity. Secondly, the sheer number of submissions, the enthuisam that imbibed each and every photogram, the pride reflected in every Porsche and the truly high quality of images were laudable. All that was necessary was “your” Porsche, some time and almost any camera. In fact, most of the entries were taken with a mobile device, e.g. iPhone, etc. Zone 7 Representative, Collin Fat (one of our judges) was astonished with the quality of the entries.
So, congradulations to each and every member who participated. And now, on to the Podium finishers!
First Place: Kathryn Enos
The winner of our Yosemite Region’ 2021 Photo Contest is Kathryn Enos.
Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Map
Kathryn said that she was “inspired” to go out and do a photo shoot when she saw her car as an advertising prop for the contest on the website. She waited till Jan 25th and the “big snow storm” to provid the perfect backdrop to photograph her (cherished) silver 356 in a “winter wonderland” setting. While the image appears to be black & white, but it is a color photograph, taken with an iPhone 6s (you can see the color in the “Porsche” and the crest on the front.) The gray scale tones provides an almost old school photographic feeling.
Kathryn’s “concours” condition 356 amongst the background of snow covered trees and just recently driven on road gives a feeling of adventure that early Porsche drivers experienced in winter in Germany’s Black Forrest of days of old.
Meta data for the photo: iPhone 6s, exposure 1/1789, f2.2, focal length 4.15 (its an iPhone!) and iso speed 25.
Second Place: Bill Boughton
The Second place finisher is Bill Boughton with a photo of his 2008 Cayman s (987).
Bill also took time to stage and take this image. “Mirror-ing” a car’s image off a wet road is a great technique — often used by the best photographers (recall that Michael Ross used this technique as part of his iPhone or SLR examples in “How to Photograph Cars” Tech Tactics). It takes time/patience, diligence and work to get it right.
Also, Bill’s composition was careful to give the reflection equal weight to the composition — a true “mirror image”! His Cayman’s Speed Yellow color helps amp up the color content of the photo.
Third Place: Lissa Mazza
The Third Place finisher is Lissa Mazza with a wonderful, moody photograph of the Mazza’s Carrera S at the ocean.
The competition for third place was fierce! What sealed the deal for Lissa was her composition and “mood” of the photograph. The gray sky and dark blue/gray ocean, the light playing on the side and rear fender of the black Carrera created a “pensive mood” that drew you into the photograph. The car was an integral part of, but did not dominate the image (good use of the “rule of thirds” for composition!).
There were several other entries that featured the ocean as a background, but Lissa’s image best used the setting to set a “feeling”.
“Honorable Mention Awards”
Once you see all the entries, I am sure that you will agree that there were a number of entries that were really, really good — for a number of and differenet reasons. So the judges decided to recognize a number of these entry’s efforts with special “Honorable Mention” Awards.
Best use of “color”: Larry Popplisio
Larry’s white Boxster is the perfect foil for the dramatically colorful ocean setting in Pacific Grove. The green shoreline, the brown rocks, the blue Pacific, the white waves and the light blue sky all come together for a cornucopia of color. Great photo!!
The Soul of Porsche Award: Ted Fischer
Ted Fischer has served as a driving instructor and clearly enjoys the pleasure of driving his Porsche Cayman — especially on curvy roads! (his license plate is “<heart>
Junior Porsche Award: Michael Dufort
Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror Pictures
Michael’s photograph was referred to as the “Kids in the Frunk” photo during judging. It was the cutest and most fun of the entries.
And since PCA is encouraging members to get their kids involved in the Porsche Juniors program (Yosemite Region has about 7 juniors !) , it made sense to recognize Michael’s contribution as the Junior Porsche Award!
Best Car-in-a-Garage Award: Don Wenstrand
Credit goes to all entries that featured a “garage”, but Don’s garage is the most whimsical and colorful. Don calls his garage his “Toy Shop”. And his wonderful 1972 911 definitely qualifies for a spot in the “Toy Shop”!!
Yosemite Zone Iso Mirror
Best Archive Photo: Mr & Mrs Boyd
This photo should come under the category “Happy Wife, Happy Life — with a Porsche”. Here, the newly wed Boyds are set to start their life with a Porsche. And Porsche’s continue to be part of their life — hmmm, they may be on to something!!
Best Sunset Photo: Barbara Terpstra
As relayed by Barbara, “Took this photo with a gorgeous sunset in the background on my driveway home after a crazy long day at work!
Just clicked it with my iPhone but it changed me from work mode to fun car mode! ” Well said!
The full Contest Gallery
It was a “contest” and so, not everyone got a podium finish or prize. BUT everyone deserves to have their efforts recognized in the following “2021 Photo Contest Gallery”!
The first three are our “Podium” winners, the next 6 were our “Honorable Mention” awardees. The rest of the 30 entries — yes 30 are presented in random order.
To enjoy the full effect of each photograph, just click on the photo and you will be treated to a “full screen” display of the photograph.
Again, thanks to all the entrants! And, maybe see you next year??